
How Does Denis Villeneuve’s Dune Differ From Earlier Adaptations? Villeneuve brings his own visual style and storytelling instincts to the story and reportedly addresses issues of representation in a modern manner that previous efforts didn’t. Beyond that, the biggest difference lies in the running time. Dune is actually the first part of a movie trilogy covering the events of the novel, which means this entry will likely end on a cliffhanger. In return, the longer running time allows for greater development of the story than the Lynch film, while the cinematic scale and higher budget provide the kind of visual spectacle that the cable miniseries lacked the resources for.

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Where Can I Find Dune Online? Although it may be easy to forget, Warner Bros. announced in December 2020 that every major film release in 2021 will premiere simultaneously in theaters and on the HBO Max streaming service. There were significant questions earlier in the year about whether this would be adhered to or not, as Villeneuve publicly voiced fears that the film would able unable to recoup its investment via streaming. Nevertheless, Warner Bros. is holding to its original plans, which means that Dune will be available online on HBO Max for 30 days, launching the same day as the film’s theatrical release on Oct. 22.


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